Stanford GSB Coursework

Power of You: Women in Leadership

Tactical Toolkits

Women in Leadership: Tactical Toolkits, created by Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen, are research-based guides to help women, including those with complex, intersectional identities, meet the unique challenges they face in the workplace and beyond. They are the core content for Arrillaga-Andreessen’s “Power of You—Women in Leadership” course at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. The Tactical Toolkits provide insights, strategies and practical tips that will help empower everyone, regardless of their gender or identity, to thrive and to strive towards greater self-confidence, self-advocacy and leadership roles.


Giving 2.0™ Guides

Created as part of Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen’s philanthropy courses at Stanford Graduate School of Business, the Giving 2.0™ Guides will lead individual givers step-by-step through the process of identifying your unique assets and developing an intentional, meaningful giving plan. To realize your unique capacity to create social impact with your giving, it is integral that you move from being reactive to proactive, sympathetic to strategic and isolated to collaborative. The guides will provide digestible information on a variety of philanthropic topics to help amplify the impact of your giving journey.

Case Studies Library

LAAF’s Case Studies Library contains over 35 case studies authored or co-authored by Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen and published by Stanford Graduate School of Business. These resources demonstrate philanthropic best practices modeled by leading and diverse philanthropic institutions and renowned philanthropic leaders. They serve as educational tools for academics and students who want to deepen their understanding of the field of strategic philanthropy and can be employed in the classroom for scenario-based learning. These case studies will help you understand how you can advance the field of strategic philanthropy and learn from renowned leaders on how they created social impact in their giving journeys.

Overviews of New Models in Strategic Philanthropy